294 King St
We have driven past this place quite a few times so while we were in the area shopping and browsing it seemed like a good idea to drop in and try their food.
I have to admit I thought it would be half shop and half restaurant but it wasn't. The restaurant was by far the larger area.
Its a pleasant place with nice decor, good service and, as we found out, good food. As were were having a late lunch we decided to stick to a selection of entrees.
Choice number one was Thai fish cakes - an old favourite. They came in a serving of four.
They are described in the menu as having green beans, curry paste, Kaffir lime, sweet and sour sauce and peanuts.
They were extremely nice. Very light and fluffy with great flavours - quite subtle too. The hint of beans peering through the surface of each fish cake was as it should be. Sometimes fish cakes can be a bit overpowering with the curry drowning the flavours. The dipping sauce went perfectly.
The fish cakes cost $12.90.
Choice number two was amazing. The Betel leaf prawns screamed at us from the menu. We just had to order them. Betel leaves are a great wrap for food.
They were described in the menu as also having sweet chilli, lemon, cashew, onion, caviar and roast coconut.
They looked fantastic and tasted even better. We only had four of them but they were substantial and we still could have eaten double this.
The Betel leaf prawns cost $13.90.
Choice number three was again another old favourite - satay chicken skewers.
Some say this is a dish that can't be ruined - which isn't correct. We've had some shockers in the past but these ones were delicious.
The chicken was extremely tender and the sauce was tangy and tasty. These were very good satay chicken skewers.
They came in a serving of four and cost $12.00.
Thai Potong Restaurant and Gift Shop is well worth visiting. It has great food, great service and it's a nice place as well. We even got chocolates and a small gift when leaving - and they didn't know we were bloggers!