If you like roti as much as we do - and it's hard to imagine anyone liking roti as much as us - then you may have also wondered if it's easy or hard to make.
The truth is - it's not that hard.
We gave it a go and managed - and they turned out pretty good too.
The Recipe is dead easy too - 2 cups of bread making flour, 1 cup of cold water and a pinch of salt - yes three ingredients plus some melted butter for later on. Just put the flour and salt in a bowl, make a well in the middle and slowly add the cold water. Mix it together then put it all on a floured board and knead it for at least ten minutes.
Roll it out and cut it into eight pieces - we made a double batch so thats why we had sixteen pieces. Wrap each piece in plastic for later.
Alternatively, you can just buy some frozen pre-made roti from most Asian supermarkets. We tried two varieties. Just put them, still frozen, into a lightly oiled pan. it's much faster than making them but a lot less fun. What do they taste like - pretty good actually - a bit closer to restaurant roti.
Would we do it again - absolutely. Our roti was fun to make and great to eat!
Sir and Mlady's Malaysian Home Cooking of Roti was supported by the Malaysian Kitchen Programme.