90-96 Bourke Rd (Cnr Collins St)
Alexandria, Sydney
It's a big place but set out in several sections to avoid a cavernous feel - and there's outside seating as well.
There's a heavy emphasis on healthy fresh food but the choices are all packed with flavour. If you prefer gluten free, vegan or vegetarian then there are plenty of choices for you - but also plenty of other options as well!
I was at a Media Launch and I was joined by the Duke for breakfast - who's always great company and loves a healthy meal!
It was creme fraiche and very tasty smoked salmon piled high on sourdough and topped with capers and lemon myrtle salt.
The combination went so well together and it was a fresh and tangy start to the day.
The Vicinity take on French toast looked so colourful.
It had scattered half slices of toast garnished with fresh fruit. I have to confess to being a French toast fan and this light and fruity combination was great.
Their super bircher was also impressive (see middle picture above) but due to space limitations (my stomach space that is) I didn't get to try it.
Vicinity are using some quality and tasty ingredients supplied by the likes of The Protein Bread Company (the Duke already lives on and swears by this stuff) - founder Anna Hopkins was there, Charlies Balls (tasty healthy guilt free treats) - founder Charlie de Haas was there too, CoYo (makers of tasty coconut milk yoghurt) - Abe Hanara was there representing them, and of course Pepe Saya - who doesn't love their butter! The emphasis on fresh and quality shines through and it's tasty food.
Anna Hopkins, Charlie de Haas and Abe Hanara |
Renae Smith |
Of course if you're desperately seeking a bacon and egg roll for you're starter then you won't be disappointed either.
This was delicious with maple bacon and the good dollop of house made tomato relish was another nice addition.
Another unique dish was the African baked beans.
They came in their own little copper saucepan - I grabbed one of these quickly and couldn't bring myself to share it.
There was so much food, and so many choices, it was a difficult exercise to know where to start or which ones to try. We did try to taste everything - but failed!
Breakfast at Vicinity is certainly impressive.