One of the reasons was that muffins are just so quick and easy to make - they can often be in the oven within 5 minutes of starting! This time we simply soaked some mixed fruit for several hours in the Rekorderlig Pomegranate Cider then used the fruit, and cider, in our standard muffin mix. We then decided to enhance it all a bit by reducing some more cider on the stove - basically boiling it down - and adding some raw sugar to sweeten it a bit more and thicken it too.
We used this thick sauce to pour on top of the warm muffins - and added dollops of double cream. They turned out great and were very quick and easy to make.
The Recipe: 1 3/4 Cups of self-raising flour, 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 egg, 100mls milk, dash of oil. Despite what other recipes say, just lightly beat the egg first then mix everything else in - including the fruit. Add enough of the Rekorderlig Cider that the fruit was soaking in last to still keep the mixture thick. Scoop into a greased muffin pan and cook at about 200'c for around 25 minutes. The Sauce: boil 200mls of Rekorderlig Cider till reduced and thicken by adding raw sugar and mixing vigorously. Preparation time 5 minutes. Ready in 30 minutes.