The Famous Berry Donut Van
73 Queen St
Berry NSW
You can’t miss this place as there is always a queue and having tried their donuts we can understand why the queue is there.
Actually we would say that seeing just how popular this place is - it is an institution! We were visiting the lovely South Coast for a few days and this was our first stop. What a great one it was too!
The donuts are fresh and “hot off the press” and they really are good! Not only can you get mouthwatering donuts , you can also savour hot dogs, hot pies, sausage rolls, hot and cold drinks and milkshakes.
With our donuts we each had our usual coffees. Sir with his skim flat white and Mlady her weak soy cap. Coffee and donuts - MMMMMMMM - it can’t get much better than this when you arrive in beautiful Berry NSW.
Make sure that you experience one of the best donuts you could ever have - from an “institution”. The coffees were the all important first ones of the day too and they were good as well!
Sir and Mlady visited Berry Donut Van as guests of Destination NSW. Special thanks also to Original Spin for the great arrangements too.