5 Rae St.
North Fitzroy, Melbourne
Nestled in North Fitzroy is a a hidden gem serving up some of the best seafood you’ll get. It’s not pretentious. Owner Danny Cecchi has a place here that that just keeps delivering great seafood that people keep coming back for again and again, in pleasant, relaxed surroundings. That said, they do have quite a long menu with plenty of choices and they serve up their seafood in a wide variety of delicious ways. It makes choosing a hard exercise as it all sounds so good - and is so good!
Any place with crab bruschetta is a friend of ours! This was amazing. It had slivers of crispy wafer like bread topped with avocado and a tangy crab mix. The whole combination worked so well and the thin crispy bread adding crunch yet not dominating the dish. We could have this every day and be happy!
Seafood means having some oysters of course! These oysters Kilpatrick were beautifully tangy and tasty. There was a pile of crispy bacon on top and a nice kick to them. It’s a starter that is well worth having here.
We love scallops. They look great and taste just as good! These ones were served in the half shell slathered with a wonderful champagne cream sauce that was lightly browned to perfection. The cheesy creamy sauce was ideal with these juicy plump scallops.
Back to oysters again and we couldn’t resist some oysters natural. They came with a tangy mignonette dressing that went so well. We love the acidic hit this gives to creamy oysters. It creates a great beautiful flavour mix.
The Moreton Bay bug tails are served in a variety of ways here. The winner though must surely be these ones - served battered, drizzled with honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds. We couldn’t resist swirling them in the honey for an added sweetness. These disappeared very quickly!
RST is famous for its seafood chowder, so this was another must-try dish. It was easy to see why people travel for this alone! The flavours were lovely in this creamy broth. It was so easy to devour! it all too!
This massive prawn and lobster ravioli was another great creative treat. The oversized ravioli was stuffed full of meat with lovely subtle flavours. It looked impressive and tasted just as good too.
Chilli and prawns just go so well together. These chilli king prawns were massive too and came on a bed of steamed rice. They did have a kick but not anything that would destroy your mouth. It was a great balance and very tasty.
It’s really worth keeping an eye out for the specials here at RST. This one was a killer combination of gnocchi and lobster meat in a delicate creamy sauce. Neither overpowered the other and the mix was delightful.
A great test for any seafood place is simply a serving of fish and chips. Here they can prepare the fish in several ways - grilled, pan fried, lightly battered, egg washed or panko crumbed. This was egg washed creating a very light golden coating to the delicate and perfectly cooked fish. The chips were irresistibly good too!
A great meal needs to be capped off with something sweet - doesn’t it! This chocolate and raspberry fondant oozed rich filling and came served with vanilla bean ice cream. It was a delectable combo and a great finish to a wonderful meal.
With a menu this extensive, it’s worth investing some time into deciding on your choices. It’s even worth considering getting a selection and sharing - that way everyone gets to try more of the great food here! You should also check out the specials too. They’re always good.
Sir and Mlady dined as guests of RST Seafood Restaurant. Thanks to Danny Cecchi for chatting and spending time on the night. He’s a lovely guy and great company. A big thank you to also to talented chef Cesar and his team for the great food. Thanks also to the great front of house staff too - they really do keep things flowing. Special thanks to Creative Little Soul for arranging this visit.