85 Degrees Bakery & Cafe
161 Rowe St
Eastwood, Sydney
The 85 Degree’s chain has certainly spread its wings across Sydney. You’ve probably seen them around with their enticing windows drawing you closer to see what’s there. Their outlet in Eastwood attracts a decent share of business from people who have dined at one of the huge range of Asian restaurants nearby.
We browsed the window and inside for our dessert for the evening - like quite a few others around us were also doing.
Mlady chose a puff pastry mango tart. It was a high set dessert with layers of puff pastry, mango brulee, vanilla chiffon, custard, puff pastry again and then cream. It was big, bold and tasty.
Sir chose the coffee brulee. It was another big, layered dessert with brulee, coffee cream and sponge cake. He eagerly devoured it all.
It’s hard not to stop and look in the window at least with all these cakes and sweets on display.
It was a quick, easy way to grab a tasty dessert and we enjoyed our choices.