Urban Pasta
Food Truck
Around Sydney

This well known and popular pasta truck is always busy. They do a lot of events too - just check out their web site to see where they are. This time we were at the Westfield Chatswood Food Truck Festival and as soon as we spotted these guys we knew we needed some of their food. Apart from having heard of them before, we also love Italian food. 

With Urban Pasta you normally choose your pasta type, choose your sauce and, if you want, cheese and chilli at the end. We were sharing our choice so that made it a bit harder to agree - but we ended up with potato gnocchi - something we both love but also don't choose as often as we should. Our sauce was napolitana - a simple pure one that tastes so good when done well. It was one of their prepared options and we also decided against cheese and chilli as we wanted to see what the true flavours were like. 

We have to say - it tasted very good. The gnocchi was plump and yet tender and the rich tomato sauce added so much flavour. 

Food Trucks have of course come a long way - and Urban Pasta is proof of that. It was all very good and as a result, understandably very popular. Next time you see a circle of food trucks, stop by and taste the quality. If Urban Pasta is there and you like Italian, you won't be disappointed. 

Urban Pasta Truck Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato