Perfection Chocolates
700 New South Head Rd
Rose Bay, Sydney

Chocolate. There, we've said it. That word that gets practically everyone's mouths watering and their stomachs rumbling. It's strange that just one word can cause all this, isn't it?
Perfection Chocolates have been having this very same effect on people for a very very long time.
In fact, they've been making artisan chocolates and confectionery since 1939 - and it was, and still is, a family business.
We dropped by to take a look and of course to try a few goodies - we're only human! It was very obvious while we were there that this place is very well patronised - there was a steady stream of customers and they all seemed to buy so much!

Chocolate Johnny - as John Kapos has come to be known - is the face of the business and with his wife Eva they are understandably proud of what they, and their family, have achieved over so many years.
This place is wall to wall goodies too - and surprisingly it's not all chocolate - although there is a lot of the brown gold there too.
They do make great chocolate - as we discovered - but you must try a few of their other offerings too.
We had their chocolate coated marshmallows, their jellies, their honeycomb and their salted gourmet caramel.
Johnny also makes a mean coffee too - with a generous drizzle on top of his delicious chocolate.
It's heaven in a glass - or cup.
To be honest, we sampled way to much of these lovely goodies.
However, once we started eating we just couldn't stop.
M'lady's favourite was probably the cranberry nougat - although she also loved the chocolate. Sir loved the chocolate coated marshmallow - even though he's normally a honeycomb person.
Perfection Chocolates is an institution. They've also been around for nearly 80 years for a reason too. It's simply that they have great chocolates and sweets. Having eaten so many of them now we have no hesitation in attesting to this!
Sir and Mlady were guests of Perfection Chocolates. Special thanks to John "Chocolate Johnny" Kapos for inviting us.